Welcome to The Donkey Zone!

Not Turning Any STOMACHZ yet? Don’t uGuyz get it? uCud pull out your GUN & SHOOT ME! Then just Say Wordz; No matter how HairBrained or irrational your LOGiCK still NoOne wud CARE! EveryButty iz So DONK’T by Gunz n Dumb Costume Violence and The Concept of GUVERMENT in general that not even My Own Parents would CARE!

In Fact you cud probly just make A MONKEY🙊SOUND and they would be like Very Nice HighFive keep Rockin & Rollin BRAVE HEROZ of THE HOMELAND! 😒

Like didn’t you LEARN ANYTHiNG from your Previous ViCTORY? Why would you Mess Around with Less Than LETHAL🔫WEAPONRY against me? iAM SUCH A MONSTROUZ👹THREAT to THE👨‍💻SYSTEM that iKAN SEE CHEMTRAilZ without Getting MOMAHOLED!
🎙🧼 🌑🤯✈️💨

Planet of The Apes Face

Probly similar to JOHNNY uThot you were dealing with A VEGAN HiPPY PAWT🥦HEAD CONSPiRACY THEORiZT? Pish, FiXiN to get BUTTPURGED! and If you don’t think THE DEEPSPACE👽ALiENZ that Set Up their CREATOR🐣NEST inside SHELTER can Reach To HAWAii (or AnyWher) ? 😈

Stretch Armstrong Butt Purge

What iz it guna take To PROVE that OUR👪PARENTZ Deserve A Lot Worse Than just to be CUT with A🥄KNiFE?

James Spit
Stretch Armstrong Machine Press
Jake Butt Purge
Geni Puppet Master
haha! what are the randomly undulating probablityz that i wud have A Gif of CRACKHEAD JAKE saying BUTTFKEM
Master of Puppets
Creepy Puppet
Crawling faster
Sexy Malkovitch
Fear of God Boner
Obey your master
Pulling Strings
haha, they are like ELECTRONiCK⚡️PUPPETZ
Esquire Malkovich
Maxine Puppet
Geni Applause
James Clap
Geni Spin
Spin Me Right Round
Your So Hypnotizing


Crazy Diamond Light Child
Riff Raff neon icon

Are you sure you wanta ROLL THE DiCE having A👶BABY with DUZTY DUMPTY NOHUMPTY? like how do you even know he has any Living Seamen in hiz Duzty DumpSack? 💰🧹

Girl Spin
Right Round Baby
Watch Out Here i come

iKan Hear Them Now.. like Oh HaHa SHELTER iz TRYNA SCARE US off THE GUVERMENT.. Pish Ha! NOTHiNG iz guna get ME to SiDE w/ SHELTER againzt MONEY, CHEMTRAiL, INFORMATION & FEAR😳MASTERZ.. and, uKnow, any other form of JEWiZ👺PEDOFiLE.. 😒

Lucifer Truly Desire

iKnow itz TOO HARD for uGuyz to comprehend right now.. itz A GOD SiMULATiON that ViOLATEZ iNFiNATE PROBABLITY in your Satanic UnderWorld.. But letz be seriouz; u still think AnyButty Associatied with THE CATHOLiCK❌CHURCH Knowz what GOD iz Like? Wudn’t be surprized if JANET waz still CLAPPiNG for A PEDOFILE while HE BLABBER MOUTHZ about how JESUZ🙏SAVEZ

Stylz Nose
do i have to say: OR ANY CHURCH?

idk what you thot A JABBERWALKY wud be like?

Lewis Carroll Jabberwocky
Fallon Creator Snap
Jabberwocky girl

Seriously uGuyz must have sum Seriouz PRiDE iSSUEZ if SHELTER BURNiNG🔥U DAiLY on FaceBook for almost 3 Yearz Running while telling The Most Heroic American Anne Frank style Survival WAR STORY.. izn’t enuff for you to HUMBLE YOURSELF? and Frankly it BLOWZ ANNiE Out of The Water.. it wud be like if she wazn’t even JEWiZ and was A Fully Documented, Born & Raised LOCAL that said HiTLER wasn’t A Qualified Man to SPEARHEAD WW2.. Then was just SHUNNED by Her BabyButtBlood Horney Friendz and Fam without even An Attic to hide out in! Man, did that JEWiZ iNDOCTRINATION THiNK TANK STORY about Poor Little ORFANY really do A Mind Jawb on uGuyz..

Vengful One Shelter Land
..so when anybuddy is ready to Set Me Free from The Doldrums here.. Give Yer Boy A Holla! cuz He iz A WAR MACHiNE Your World Kannot Handle.. Just, uKnow, i am SO MERCiFUL at least as of Today…

iSeriouly thot TAYLOR was gunna figure thiz out by now.. like similar to Your Brother CULLiNG THE WEAK.. do you really think The Band DiZTURBED knowz anything about being DiZTURBED?

Jim Oh Come On
Mel Gibson eyes wide open
Jim Touch it

..and iThink we gave DUMBTY thiz due HONOR & GLORY by now.. uKnow by Making SHELTER turn into SOMETHiNG LiKE THiZ 💊 Juzt to get DUMBOTEM🐩 to Second Guess hiz NO-HUMPTY DUMPTY HOTDOG HAMBURGER BASEBALL BASKETBALL SAND-DAB MiNDCONTROL!

Jim Very Sexy

..Oh Great.. FOOTBALL SEASON just started.. iWiLL Surely have to Wait That Out in THE DOLDRUMZ!

Tom Brady Blount

Serouzly, u LayDeez are KiLLiN’ MEY! uWatching [LiVE👨‍✈️PD] like Oh Wow-Wee thiz iz even way better than My Daddy or BF Telling Me WiTCH TEAM to ROOT FOR.. iKnow who iz guna WiN Every Time!

Carlos Hyde ya wife

..All while SHELTER iz TRANCED OUT after A DMT iNDUCED ALiEN👽ABDUCTiON Looking Out The Corner of Hiz Eye, MACHiNE WONKiNG, The OliveGeztapo Ocifer that ORDERED hiz EndTimez APOCALYPSE FLESH MAiMiNG TAZER DEPLOYMENT; like Really? You Think NOT EATING YOUR MEAT iz something you should be Grabbing At, Chasing and TAYZERiNG SUM😎ONE OVER?!? 👌👈🌵

James awe
uKnow under The Chemtrailz in The Land of VAXiNEZ n PEDOFiLEZ?

..Or Maybe it had nothing to do with Not Eating MY MEAT after all? and more to do with him taking A Look At My FaceBook and seeing MySelf Calling MySelf GOD.. Then Coping An Attitude like Pish Nah uShuda seen The Way ME & My Boyz DROPPED that 15 Year Old, Then HighFived hiz Parentz, on our last 5150 Venture.. Pretty Sure iAM GOD! 😒😇

James Looser
Austin Allow Myself to introduce myself

Do i have to say: it still ForSure had something to do with NOT EATING MY MEAT!

Jame jiggy Dance
Eat Your Meat
Skeleton Wave Dance


Popeye Olive Arm Candy
Smith Oh Shit Face
Matrix Neo Punches Smith
omg u guys are SO DENSE
Smith Brain Bug
Men in Black Flashy Thing Will Smith
Real Prince Ali
iDK what uThot Thiz REAL🤴PRiNCE wud be like?
Lisa Laugh
Micky and Minnie Mouse
Prince Charming Shit
Price Charming Shirt Rip
Mega Mind Big Head its big for a reason

Author: Shelter Murphy

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