Watch “Welcome to The Black Parade [GMV]” on YouTube


NoButty thot thiziz something GOD wud do? Just FALLOUT of SOCiETY az A WorthLess SCAB of A 5150 PATiENT then emerge az A Robotick🤖ArtSavant with ZERO Support, or Admiration, from hiz Friendz and Fam? If I have To DiE to get recognition for MY👨‍🎨ART that can be arranged..

Seriouzly what iz WRONG with EveryButty? Why are you SO😵OBSESSED with LePEWZ? Why iz defending All Formz of JEWiX DiSHONOR from The PRUGERZ HeartLess JewGobble -to> The Rothschildz Banking Scam more important than Welcoming Home your Astranged LOCAL🙋‍♂️BOY?

bring him home martian

Just LET😏ME Live That Fantasy guyz!

Seriouzly NoBuddy iz starting to Feel Like GiNGERLY Letting Down The Ol’ HotDog Flavored BALL n CHAiN and starting A BRAVE NEW LiFE with AREAL MAN? uKnow that iz NOT Pretending to be SCARED of SHELTER and/or OH😱FACE AGAZT with HORROR of Moving Picture Art?

hopsin ha

Katy Hey Eww

Like if iAM iNFACT CONTROLiNG WALL👨‍🏫ART and other thingz.. Then why haven’t i brought you in here yet? TWO REASONZ: One, To ROMANCE OTHER🙍‍♀️GiRLZ.. Two, to HORRiFY THE PiGGiLY🐷WiGGiLiEZ down at THE OLiVE🍸GEZTAPO DEPT..

uKnow becuz Az Long Az i am Walking The Streetz of BakerzField A Complete CastAway with STONE💀ZERO SUPPORT from My Friendz & Fam regarding My Struggle.. THEY won’t be able To BELiEVE iN LOVE! 💔 Thereby Remaining KiLL or DiE PRO-JEWiZ PEDOFiLEZ.. . 😒🧐

Ridiculous Taylor
Loser Left
Democrazy Democrat
Pathetic Taylor
OCTOBER 2017! Fkn Pouty Sloth NarSissy JewGoyim!
Taylor Kiss
Taylor Think

Oh, and also to let you know THiZ💊iZ More about SAVING YOUR LiFE.. Not Mine!

Princess Piggy Head
Hopsin Purge
Katy Oh Shit
God Man
God Aliens
Y’all Not Empressed by Much?
Gift Taylor
Taylor Cookie Monster
Dark Side of The Cookie
Taylor Wow
Art God
Taylor Thumb
Smith Shit
Taylor Strawberry
Jelly Neo
Yummy Strawberry
Smith honest with you
Smith hate this place
Smith Zoo
haha, COLiNZ VOiCE in that song reminded me.. That Hiz HighSchool Wreztling StandUp waz based off of How iSTAND-UP out from underneath A GLOBAL🌎JEWTRANNY!
Smith Rules
Smith Cancer
Mario Fart
Smith Smell
Satan Witch
Conspiracy Theory Mel Gibson
God Satan arm wrestle gif
God Human Satan
God Satan Blingee
Taylor Haters
God is Satan
..Crown Me..
What is it that you truly desire?
Living Legend feel like Kobe
Kanye Air Screens
Space Alien
Deer Man
Katy Boy Alien
Electric Kanye
it was aliens
Alien ayy lmao
Alien Sex Blow Job
Are you ok annie
Oh Yeah
Your so hypnotizing
Electric kiss
Thats all folks piggy
Robin Williams Good
Good Morning Vietnam
Shelters Morning Show
Freddie thats all folks
Privilege to take comedy notes from a man of your stature
Good morning giraffe your little ray of sarcastic sunshine
Burn you bad
I don't mind at all
were you born on the sun?
Pyramid Obviously
Pyramid Connection
Dwight Pizza
Power Point Michael
Not Pyramid Scheme
is annie ok
Virgin Mary
Boundaries breaking down
Mother Mary
The Office Pyramid
God Trap
Beez in the trap
Dwight Pyramid Power
Taylor Love
Have a great weekend
Nicki Trap

Author: Shelter Murphy

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