SHUTTER UP; Please & Thank You

Guyz! Puh Puh PLEEEZE don’t let them Take Me back to The PsychWard for FREE FOOD n SHOWERZ i might loose Ma Jawb.. and i only have enough MUNY Saved Up to CAR-DASHiAN around for like 3 Yearz if iDont See A Penny come in..

..not to mention iDON’T NEED SHOWERZ, iNDEFiNATLY, to LOOK or SMELL BETTER than you.. 🤷‍♂️

Leo Loads Gun
haha, who is gunna be the first person to come flying over the counter at BURGERiM in A Heated Bout of Mommy Daddy Issues?
Chewing Tobbaco
Dreamy Look Cartoon Girl
young leo points gun
star wars chewie we are home
creepy guy attack win
Alien Pyramid
Alien Mask
alien eye guy
awe man. You Guyz are probly so interested about ALiENZ becuz AREA 51 is on The Newz right meow!

Today i went CELL PHONE SHOPPiNG looking for an upgrade from MY FLiP PHONE.. it was A Little BEEGRUDGiNG considering i have A Perfectly Good ANDROiD sitting in EViDENCE LOCKUP at THE SHERiFFZ DEPT.. It was confiscated to be searched for EViDENCE pertaining to My Blank Kitty Blank FREE SPEECH CASE.. it had A PiCTURE of THE PRESiDENT’Z WiFE’Z TiTZ on it… .. . STiLL NO CHARGEZ PENDING.. 🤷‍♂️

gross trump mylania
you complete me
Joker Hurt You Really Bad
weird gun guy
10 Bucks in My Pocket
Remembers when LEGEND BURNED ME 4 ALLEGEDLY BEGGiNG when i posted on FaceBook about having only ONE DOLLAR to my name?
I Trust You
Cat Alien Melania
Buy Drink Psyco
Don't Go Home
Melania Elbow Trump
Mojo is Flowing
TiTZ of AMERiCA; TENDER & PRiVATE.. if thatz not PROOF of A PERVERTED iLLUMINATi than IKD what iz
Tit Drop
OMG It’s THE INTERNET GUYZ! Ok, show your momma if you have to
Bat Queen
Sexy Tits
im gunna spare you The Facial JACKiNG OFF on FACEZ GiFZ; for today
Chewy Chill

Like is Every Buddy in THiZTOWN just gunna Stand By n let your MONSTROUSLY EViL OLiVE GESTAPO take yet another un-abated Free Run at THiZEXY MODERN ANNE FRANK’Z TiGHT LiTTLE HiNEE HO?

Olive Mosters of Santa Cruz
iWud expect thiz type of behavior from A TeeKnee TyeKnee JEWBiTCH (not guna name names here but startz with a TAY n endz with A LER) but LAYDEEZ letz be seriouz?
Left Eye Lady
Here Piggy
OMG any buddy that workz on The Sheriffz FaceBook.. can you believe My NARSiSSY QUAKEROAT JEW🦃GOBBLiNZ still think that i am bound by the same SLAVEBiTCH REALiTY that they are? not to mention still kant SEE My Infuence in any of THiZMUSiCK.. They must think THiZiZ all some sort of DEZPERATiON INDUCED FACEBOOK RANT.. Possibly HEAD-CURB-KiCK BrainDammage.. Maybe ELECTRO⚡️SHOCK Trauma.. but probably EViL PSYCHEDELiCK🌵CACTUZ induced PSYCOZEEZ
Who am i? Dancing around in A Purple V-Neck like im basically MiLiTARY becuz My GrandDaddy Fought and Almost Killed n Almost Died DEFENDiNG Jewish ANNE🌭FRANK from A Human Rightz Violation ..🤪.. Like idk what u thot GUNZ were for? or WORDZ?
Weak in the knees
See You in Hell
Yeah Guyz.. Thiz iz what A PSYCOTiCK PERSON RANDOMLY SPAMMiNG GiFZ n MUSiCK lookz like..
Thriller Tide
haha “The Watch”
Judge Judy watch
Put You To Sleep
Batman vs Ticket Cop
Shut your Clown Hole TiCKETMAN..
like How many people are on the planet? how many people have ever existed? what are the chances of getting STRUCK by LiGHTNiNG? Now what iz the Probability of being THE REAL 😎 ONE that getz to RUN A SHAME BASED ROCCO HORROR PiCTURE SHOW on hiz Local Sheriffz Dept? uKnow for having they HEAD UP DEY ASS as it pertains to KNOWiNG THE👩‍⚖️LAW
..or you know.. and/or COMMON SENSE in general.. especially as it pertains to HARMiNG OTHERZ!
We can go ahead and refer to “MAN’Z LAW” as APEZ LAW from here on out 🙉
Dexter Batman
Shelter Pig Saw
Begun The Clown War Has
JEWDONKEYZ still be tinkin: Oh, SHELTER iz just trying to Take Credit for Other Peoplez Work.. uKnow like No Cunning Business Man has ever done before.. 😒
not going to live by their rules
Ace Spaz
..and apparently MARK SPAZiO still tinkz HE iz doing THE GREAT WORK
Leo Gun Head
Make Better
What did you say
Know all about you
Bad Man
Dusted Girl
Don’t let My Lack of A HARLEY QUiNN FOOL YOU.. THiZGiRL must still be tryna get left in THE DUST with DUZTY DUMPTY NOHUMPTY
Dumb Bottem
shez saying DUMBOTEM
Harley Bite
alcohol block words
The last time i saw her.. DUMPTY was FORCE FEEDiNG HER GiN SHOTZ to tryduh get her mind off SHELTER
Worst Luau Ever
Whatz it guna take to get some buddy from THE SHERiFFZ FACEBOOK DEPT to call THiZGiRL UP n tell her: WE HAVE A RED ALERT STORM WARNiNG that SHELTER mite CRASH Your Luau Style Wedding with ROBO🐔COCK.. and for good reason like WTF ARE YOU DOOOOiNG?
How did iKnow it waz A LUAU STYLE WEDDiNG? you ask? well letz just say: SomeThingz you don’t actually NEED ALL SEEiNG ALiENZ 4
Meant for something better
Like, Hey Babe let’s CELEBRATE our furthered Financial Entanglement and SHELTERZ ENDTiMEZ DECENT into MADNESS by Dancing Around, Humiliating and EATiNG A DECEASED PiG CARCASS
Pig Carcass
Lord of The Flies
Hottest Bride
not man for me
Run Away Forrest
Still No Buddy iz feeling thiz Lord in The Cell Phone Thing? Just let me live that fantasy guyz? or whatever uCan have your SLAVEBiTCHERY
Look Insane
Absolutely Not
UnRelated but Still Related: On LiNKEDiN My Aunti just CONGRATULATED ME on My New Role as “HAMBURGER BiTCH” at BURGERiM.. so if i end up in FAKE EARTHUMAN COURT over her Flesh Maimed DisFigured CORPSE.. let the ALiEN COURT RECORD Reflect that SHE ASKED 4 iT
Casper Love
We are ghosts
Love Me
Insane Narcissist and giant douche bag
I Love Him
High Functioning Sociopath
but im the best
Suicide Squad
Batman Creator Call
Run Away Bride Clap
Beaver Dance
Where the freaks at
Jesus Murphy
nicki winning
Not Impressed
suck big
psycho haha
I am you leader
Catch me if you can leo
run and gun
leo cowboy gun
Do whats right
Home Alone Shot Gun
Do you understand the words
Sara’z Lucky i didn’t reach my Breaking Point listening to her FAKEAZ talk about wanting to COMMiT SUiCiDE for attention.. wuda done her like CHARLiE.. Forget Skratchin’ at Your Wrizt with A Dull Pair of Sizzorz.. Why don’t you Jump on Here n RATTLE OFF sum SEWERCiDE BY CARP inducing FREE SPEECH with me? better yet letz BANG on the stepz of The Court House during business hours n Pull Finger Gunz on anybuddy who tryz to Stop Us?
Be no so long to speak
I long to die
See what you did there
NoBuddy thinkz THiZiz sum seriouz CREATOR SHiT here?
🥁🧒_🙀 🤹‍♂️
Cool Boy Friend
Dead guy
bang hard
Talk American English to me
Who is gunna MUSTARD THE CABBAGE to Speak AMERICAN EGNLiSH around here?
Talk Children
like you face
Cry Pretty
Cast Away
Window Monster
Sweaty Ace
Unlimited Time
Boney and Clyde forever
Fooled Ya
It doesn’t even matter witch song iLink.. im everywhere.. like WHY HAVE THE OLiVE GESTAPO BEEN LETTiNG ME RUN ON SO LONG HERE? you ask? well that Answer is Simple: Becuz they don’t want to get THEYASS FKT
Alien Yass
Make Things Right
Right White Man
Do something fun
However if they really understood WHO they were DEALiNG with here.. Then THEY WUD BE TRYNA GET ME 2 FK THEYASS
Look at Me
do i have to say:
Aviouzly The Same Thing applyz 4 ALL THE GiRLZ in THiZTOWN
Living Saint
haha, shez like Oh, just let me go i wanta go get FKT in TheAss by SHELTER.. hez like No No stay here with me.. its just Us against The JeWorld Order Pyramid of Paper Power slash Violence based Guverment Authority that TAYLOR iz starting to see
Anchor Man Big Deal
..and ALL The Girlz EveryWhere..
Seriouzly, idk where u guyz thot i was going with THiZ?
Watched The X Files
Hater gonna hate
Let me go
I cant
All I want
Not a narcissist
Genious Person
Celebrate me
Lucifer Talk
Lost so many people
Nothing to loose
Oscar goes to
Oscar goes to Pedro
Oscar Strip Search
Recognize History
Order Pizza
Talk Action
Melania Clap
Fkt in the head
In Touch with Humanity
Ivanka Clap
Kevin Spacey Big Gulp
Like anyBuddy that used to buy STYLZ POUNDZ OF BPA LACED CHiNEZE PLASTiCK for CHiRZTMAS wud actually CARE if he had A Teacher or Authority Figure that waz tryna convince him that HE waz A GiRL in A Pathetic Perverze Satanick Attempt to get him 2 Suck They Dik
Dream Big
Robot Head
Where are the kids
Crossed Twilight zone
Let it go elsa
Fire Queen
Fire Queen
Peter what is happening
Its only a dream
Death Gazm
Love it
So funny, when My LandLady was interviewing me for My Room she looked me Straight in The Face and asked if i waz A CRACK HEAD? I was like Uhh do i look like A Crack Head? .. Well letz define CRACKHEAD: do i or have i ever Smoked The Drug CRACK? NO! but i may be guilt of CREATiNG A WORLD of SNOPED iNVERTED NARSiSSY JEWGOYiM so that i cud look approaching iNFiNiTY CRACKHEADED then emerge on The Other Side with ALL THE COMMON SENSE LOGiCK in The World Backing Me Up.. not to mention ALL The iLLumiNotty ART and basically everything else.. including, even THE JEWiZ PART of AMERiCAN APEZ LAW.. The only thing u got iz straight Oh Face Agaztion Level ZOMBiE DONKEY FEAR of CLOWNZ.. haha
Day Light Savings Time
..also one of her dogz is named PONCHY (PONCHY PONCHO close enuff) and the other one is named SiSSY.. i shuda Named U-ALL SiSSY.. NarSissy Quaker Oatz Potato People of Umpland
Real Dream
Melania Surprised
Well lookz like MYLANiA is figuring it out.. im starting to feel bad for My NarSissy JewRodent QuakerOatz that according to they FaceBook Profiles are still as SNOPED iNVERTED as ever.. like cummon guyz we were getting SO DREAMY up in OREGON.. now itz like 3 Yearz Later… … .. .. .
im a genius
like how DAFK do you think i survived all that flickering back n forth between ZERO & ONE DOLLAR with My Mom n Sister patting themselves on the back for buying me AXE BODY SPRAY n T-Shirtz
Taco bout awesome
Like What? You thot i picked This Shirt off the K-Mart shopping rack 4 MySelf?
..but im sure you already Knew That..
iFeel like ALLTHiZ wud be A Lot Easier if i was Authorized to TEACH by LePewz..
..uKnow like Ma Aunti iz..
World is not your friend
Face Masks
Ive Got NEW RULEZ ive got em
Pig Man
hez saying: Survival of The Fattest
Sexy Leo
On My Russel Simmons
Bad Man
Cook Note Book
Twilight Zone Tv
Dream Guy
Pig People
im the best
aziz scream
Mickey Train
Jesus is Lord
Goddamn im good
Love it

Author: Shelter Murphy

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