EXPOSED: REPTILIAN ALIEN Masquerading as Dry Aged Jewiz Woman

Ok guyz! KRUNCH TIME again.. iGot myself iNDEEP (again) utilizing American English FreeSpeech in America.. Thiz DryAge OldJewHag LAWYERED UP n called My Boss.. Quote UnQuote: Wantz to See Me BEHiND BARZ for A JOKE BASED FREE SPEECH ONE-LINER..

Joker Behind Bars

So here is the Run Down from My Local Boy Real American PERSPECTIVE: This Lady came in Super Proud of herself for knowing the iM in BURGERiM was A Plural Thing in Hebrew (pronouced BURGEREEM).. Having established that she was Jewiz and DELIGHTED to Patron A Jewiz Burger Shop.. I politely took her order all-tho aviously being A More Convoluted and Longer Process than average.. but it was whatever still Toadally Polite.. Anywayz her husband payz.. they sit down.. She comes back up askes for A Receipt.. No Problem, Boom, Print Receipt.. She comes back up again Questioning All These NiCKLE n DiME UpCharges.. Semi Accusing Me of making Cashier Errors.. To which i reply: Well we already established Thiz iz A JEWiZ BURGER PLACE 🤣 Effectively SEALiNG MY FATE az A Forever InMate in An American, Land of The Free Style, Home of Free Speech Style, Not Jewiz At All Style CORRECTiONAL FACiLiTY.. 🤣

Not apologizing for being funny

Needless to say.. She goes Straight HotDogHole Demonic GHOUL 😱 FACE as A Reptilian Demon takes over her body.. Starts saying over & over again: What do you mean? What do you mean?.. im like Well you see how you’re just kinda on the FlipSide of The Coin Today?.. What do you mean? What do you mean by that?.. Well idk how to explain thiz without saying JEW like A Hundred Times, but i will try: You are A 👵 JEW that got JEWED by THE 👴 JEWZ.. 🤣 (see there i did it with only 3 JEWZ)

They are hippies

Aviouzly, She was so offended by thiz that she had to come back up after her meal and give me A Piece of Her Mind.. Something like The Food was Great but OMG what A 🤮 PUKE to insinuate the False Stereotype that Jewz are stingy with their money.. That is RACiST and DiSCRiMiNATiON.. Followed by A Lecture about ANNE FRANK and why JEWZ are, In Fact, SOO STiNGY with their money.. Something about SURViVAL and Banding Together for The Greater Good.. blah blah

How bout THAT for PUKE?
idk what you thot REAL SHAPESHiFTiNG 👽 ALiENZ wud be like?
like, I Seriously Doubt that you would take the form of A DryAge Kruzted OLD 👵 HAG if you were in control of your appearance 🤣
Virgin Mary Poppins Piggy
I Assure you the only reason MY DiCK is locked in at A Modest 6 inchez rite meow; is becuz most likely im gunna be POPPiN A 🍒 CHERRY at The End Times here

Anyways, she carried on to tell me that I Better WATCH OUT what iSay or iWill have THE ANTi-DEFAMATION LEAGUE up in here.. like WTF is that? A Jewiz Avengers League that goes around Defending Jewiz DisHonor by CLOWNING people out of making Wize Crackz or Seeing LePewz for the SCUM based MiND CANCER plaguing AMERiCA that they are?

Don’t take your JEWiZ SELF-LOATHING out on me.. You are looking at YOURSELF in The Mirror.. iM THE 🍸 GLASS

Seriously, What is THE JEWiZ ANTi-DEFAMATION LEAGUE anywayz? Do they work with The SHERIFFZ DEPT? Becuz iKnow some DONKEY BRAiN DEMOCRAPZ Down There that are willing to KiLL or DiE to defend JEWiZ DisHonor in AMERiCA ..

Alien Yass
..emphasis on; DiE

Could you imagine getting DiSSECTED THiZHARD by your GOD LUCiFER SLiMSHADY style HAMBURGER WAiTER? Do you think see would have felt SO DIGNIFIED & ENTITLED telling me her ANNE🌭FRANK Sob Story.. If she had known that she was talking to THE REAL AMERiCAN ANNE FRANK?.. uKnow of The Sexy Modern HARD🐔COCKED ROBO🤖COP Variety..

God Lucifer version of Slim Shaddy

Seriously, FK n FORGET ANNE 🌭 FRANK.. Was she even covered in PERMiNATE SCARiNG from Multiple UnLawFull Flesh Maiming Attempted OLiVE🍸GESTAPO GETTiNGZ? and last time i checked SHE had An Attick to hide-out in.. like YES PLEASE!

Get out Hitler
If you what The FreeDumb to Not Be Seen as The DryAge Kruzted Rodent Style OldJewHag Plaguing America that you are.. Move back to The Not So HOLY LAND..
Banana Throat Slice
..but don’t bring any KiDZ with you..Becuz ALL JEWiZ are PEDOFiLEZ!
Seriouzly NoBuddy else thinkz THEZ 👵 TYPEZ deserve to be Taken Down A Peg? They juzt walking around in A Cloud of JewEgo.. So Set in their wayz & Confident in their World View.. While Turning Their Back on KiDZ to The Grave (and beyond).. like you shuda seen The Little Girl she was with.. Had to CRY for 10 minutes before she cud decide what to order.. She was acting the way i did The Day i got My Wiener Wiggled at Church 🤪🧐🤢
Vengeful one break chains
Hey guyz follow me
Vengeful one war
Avengers defamation league
Where is THE SHELTER ANTi-DEFAMATION LEAGUE at? You guys have No Idea how much SHiT Le PEWZ have been talking about My Dick!
Skeleton dance
no money hippy cartman
From now on we should think of MONEY more as ONE EYE ALL👁SEEiNG iNTELECT backed by OMNiPOTENT ALiEN👽SWAGGAR.. Not just well uKnow JEWPAPER!

You Want to Talk PRiViLEDGE & ENTiTLEMENT? Thiz JEWBAG has The Money and Privilege to LAWYER UP over Hurt Feelings.. If Hurt Feelings were A Legal Matter i would have A SERiOUS CASE against everybody that Pretended to be My Friend.. uKnow back when i had A House.. And do you realize How Many Timez you could Not Complain about Nickle n Dime UpCharges on your Hamburger Receipt for The Price of Paying A👨‍⚖️LAWYER to call Some Kidz BOSS and talk to him for An Hour tryna get him FiRED? 🔥 The funny thing is i am such A⭐️Stellar Employee right meow that they aren’t gonna FiRE🙍‍♂️ME over thiz.. She gonna have to get The OLiVE🍸GEZTAPO to drag me outta there By Hook or By Crook or By Tazer or By 9mm PeaPeaz.. 🚬🔫

Money Eye
Discrimination would involve Me Charging You More Money becuz u r Jewiz.. You got charged the same as EveryBuddy else.. You just complained becuz well u r Jewiz.. And I Observed That.. That is called SEEiNG

OMG Seriuzly uGuyz! You don’t think LePewz have done A Mind Jawb on THiZCUNTRY? Name One Country where i can go with My American Privilege and get A Local Boy FiRED and/or CAGED for making A Wize Crack pertaining to Me Acting American in response to The American Pricing Scheme set forth by The American Corporation that he happens to be running The Cash Register for? HA! 😄

Wiz Drink
..and i hope we are realizing now That Most AMERiCAN CORPORATiONZ are actually JEWiZ
Wiz Smoke
Im The Wiz fact
Wiz Puff
George ah ha
wiz grow snoop dog jew key
idk what you thot would happen if you let SHELTER get away with Smoking Weed into his early 30’s.. Only Flesh Maimed but still alive?
also, JEW|KEY T-9 MAJiCK
Ride with me cuz he boring
Also, Don’t Forget ANAL|COCK same keyz on T-9
Princess wink
Pretty sure YOUR👁CREATOR Created You to Get BUTT FKT at The End Timez
Wiz Call Me
Hopefully itz ME so that will be A SEXY💋THiNG
Pizza Princess
End of the line dawg

IDK what you thot A🧠MiND like A STEEL TRAP would be like? or NERVEZ of STEEL? The funny thing was THiZALL took place right in front of An Armed Peace Officer uKnow enjoying his Lunch of BOViNE🥩FLESH.. Anywayz he was P.D. not OLiVE🍸GESTAPO JEWiZ PEDOFiLE DEFENSE so he was ready to JUMP🐸UP and use Lethal Force to stop Thiz Enraged REPTiLiAN JEW👹DEMON from Causing Harm to Thiz REAL AMERiCAN ANNE FRANK style HAMBURGER BiTCH..

Conan Bull

Like seriously guyz? How do you think i could run A Donkey Show THiZHARD on JEWZ & your Local Olive Gestapo.. but Not Be Able to SHAPE-SHIFT MaDiCK? ✊

Believe in Santa
Husband not believe
Godzilla Blast
Creepy Pope
Godzilla Pizza
Bernie Laugh
haha BloomBerg Politics! fkn FlowerBotumz

Here’s A THiNK for My Political Savants to MULLER OVER: What if The Jewz of 1930’s Germany were actually in fact UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTZ? Riddle Me That! Then it would just be like- Oh Yeah Sure Lock Them Up in Detention Centers, tear apart their families and meat them at The Border with Military Force! 🥩

Trump Cheer
Presidents are Reptilian
Trump wait
Hillary Reptile Tongue
Please tell me you are seeing this too
yahoo don't repeat the mistakes of the past
Hopefully in 60 Years IZREHOLE will get flooded with MEXiCANZ demanding Affirmative Action, Entitlement Over EveryBuddy Else and A Discount on EveryThing.. like OMG did you see what THE EViL AMERiCAN GUVERMENT did to us?
I can't hear you
Face Spit
Smartest Man Alive
You can consider it My Sacrifice for the betterment of All Humanity.. that i just have to become The Smartest, Most Sexiest, Bravest Man Alive..

Guyz! now THE🏀BALL is in your court to decide.. Did SHELTER🙋‍♂️ just FALL into A Situation where he had nothing better to do than RiSK his LiFE & LiBERTY tryna look like THE HARDEZT THING EVER in A Dezpirate Attempt to Take A Probable ViRGiN🍒BiTCH from A LAFFiNG🤡SAL – MAN🐙URCULA – DUMPTY🥚NOHUMPTY THE HOTDOG🌭SLAYER.. or is THiZ🧝‍♂️KiD A FKN👽ALiEN compared to you guyz?

Now I guess she is on crack

..or whatever.. Who Knowz? Maybe LePewz will finally GET☠️ME here after-all.. and uKnow you will Alwayz have DUMBYWiRM to Fall Back On.. That is if you think you got what it takez to SUCK THE BLOOD into hiz WiRMDiCK to the point where he won’t need A MizTress to LimpDick during Celestial LUNAR🌚EVENTZ like some sort of Flaccid WiRMDiCK WEREWOLF 🐍 🐺

Macho Man Worm
Wrestle teabag
Blow Kiss
i just woohooed you
Wrestle stand up
Haha.. Where you guyz at? What were you thinking? like Oh Ok SHELTER just mixed WiLLY WONKiNG into his Conspiracy Theorist Rant.. Thiz should be funny.. Oh Ok he just went PARANORMAL with it.. Thiz Kant be REAL.. im out
Beaver Ed
Sexy Beaver
You LAYDEEZ still Loozing YOUR 💦 CUMM at The Thot of JUZTiN BEAVERZDiCK?
Like SomeOne get in the comments and tell me what BEAVER haz That iDONT? If your gunna say MONEY please refer to it az JEWPAPER..
Gangsta Beaver
Game of Thrones
🐳 🦈
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Give me special treatment
Pretty Please
Real Reptilian
So embarrassing whatever
but i wouldn't
Don't let the hatters stop you
I'll take chocolate
Oh please can we keep him dad
Really sure about this
The look
Wont never hurt her
James Bond Lizard Eye
Oh Yeah im so crazy i forgot JAMEZ BOND could just Pull Out his SNUB🐽NOSE n SHOOT ME with Hiz PiG🐷NOZE
Joker Hurt You Really Bad
Reptile Woman
Obama Reptile
Crazy Hillary
Trump Hillary Reptile
Reptile Illuminati
Like do you think Miss Too Posh to take A Joke about her acting Jewiz in response to A Jewiz pricing structure set forth by A Jewiz Corporation.. Givez A Flying Ratz Ass that her Satanic JewPedoFile iLLumiNOTi refers to Earth Human Femalez as BiTCHEZ in basically every song?
don't embrace reptiles
Happy right where im at
Honey Boo Kiss
Banana Dance
Will Ferrel don't do this
Crack the whip
Keep on dancing til the world ends
Who wantz to be The EM to My S
Shelter man
It is Dicklicious Sex City
Been a while break the ice
Break the ice here now
Seriously dont do it
but its hard
Weird Boner Man
Toxic Vampire Bite
Buzz Boner
Everything Hurts and im dying
Cutest Princess
Queen Britney
Teeth Brushed
Blow Pop
Dwight Mask
Witch back
Butt Play
Old Queen
Donald Love
Creator Cat
Kitty Play
Get in bed
Tongue tie
Magic is inside you
Face Rip
Jump Back
Its me
Fear of God Boner
Macho Man
Creator Witch Stupid Friends
Robot Boner
Head Nob
The Reptilian Elite
Oh No
Britney Mouth Wipe
NoBudy is feeling thiz SEXY💋👽ALiEN THiNG?
Cat leg
Queen Reptile
Taylor Alien
Baby Reptile
Love You but you have no idea
Do you really mean that
Rocco Boner
Rocco with kid
One flew over the coo coo nest
Rocco Real World
Ron Jeremy Laugh
uKnow uGuyz were tryn SO HARD to PEG ME az A PEDO then i just turned out to be SKEEMiNG ON THiZ 30 YEAROLD ViRGiN BiTCH; SO✊HARD
Nosy pants
Miss Piggy Bars
Boner Man
Britney Boner oh
Boner Intensifies
Hair Play
Cartoon powder puff girls
Pony Centipede
Weirdest boner pole right now
Cook Note Book
blow cyclone
no place like home
Call Homer
Boob cat
Vengeful one incoming
Center of the universe
idk WHO you thot The Center of The Universe was?
Internet Surfer
its been so long
Understood that reference
Britney come on
Blow your mind tonight
Feels kinda good
Break the ice
haha, whatz it take to get Your Ice Broken around here?
Dance lol

Author: Shelter Murphy

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