Human Rights One Oh One

NO! SHELTER’S RiGHTS are HUMAN RiGHTS! 🙍‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Trust Me.. uWant to get in on thiz! iMean DUMPTY iz COOL & really good at Beer Pong but pretty sure iCan Stop LePew👃World🌎Order with My Bare🖖Hands & Just “MANiFEST”💵MONEY if That Waz My Prerogative.. 😎🧙‍♂️🥰

If your wondering Why iWud Have have otherwise Brave🦸‍♂️Heroz, FiRCE😏COMPETiTORZ & advocates for FREEDOM like DUM🐝BEE Playing GrabAss in The Amatuer Pay 2 Play Mommy Daddy Boy Issues League and PAWN♟NEE posting about Peach🥧Cobbler n taking Goofy Photo Shootz with hiz Rachet Sucubus of A GiRLFRiEND thiz late into BLOOD💉 On The Asphalt LAMB🐑WAR POST APOCALYPTICK🇺🇲AMERICA? Thatz becuz itz Emportant 2 Me that The Olive🍸Gestapo Thinkz No One actually CAREZ about A Struggle 4 FREEDOM in The Direction of UP then cummin 2 BURGERiM & Try 2 SPONGEBOB😵ME into BURGERHyM.. uKnow so iCan better Teach Them WHO They REAL🙋‍♂️DADDY iZ.. 🤩Daddy Shark..but itz Equally EmPortant that u recognize A Viable SLiMSHADY TakaBiTCH PLAY n SAVE🙏ME like The Day b4 or Hour b4 THAT HAPPENS 😆Harley Quinn Plugs Ears

Harley escapeThe JokerBatman ShootRobo cop holsterSlut AlertAmenJust for The Record: I Support LOVE in all forms except for Creepy Old👴Fagutz FKiNG🤦‍♂️KiDZ and/or making THE🌎WORLD such A SHiT💩PLACE with Money Mind Control backed by Coztume🤡Clown Violentz that The UnderServed can’t properly take care of themselves or their kids. 🙍‍♂️🤩🧐So Funny i herd that pUBER was losing like A BiLLiON DOLLHAiRZ per Year & mite go out of business in like A Decade.. 🤔 Ha! like what do u want? Even on A Slow Month SANTA CRUZ MOTORIZED waz turning iNFiNiTY🙅‍♂️TiMEZ more Profit Margin than that! 🤩 iKnow iKnow but they are probly tight with JEWiZ TAX👴MASTERZ and just think itz Super🤣Funny that they are getting people to Waste Their Time DRiViNG AROUND not even making enuff money to pay for The Repairs on They Car.. 😒😆BarfTeam America BarfAnd if you’re still thinking Oh SHELTER iz just not WORKiNG HARD Enuff to deserve A comfortable Living Situation where he can have Hiz👼Kid over.. FK U🤡CLOWN! Like im working 55 Hourz Per Week.. 40 at $13.. 15 overtime at $19.50.. getting taxed back down so itz net $12 per hour..😒 Got garnished anyways against My Will or Consent for that Not Harm or Property Damage induced License Ticket (-$2K).. Paying $1075 Monthly off the top for A Shittay Room.. And I don’t even qualify anymore for My $182 per month Food Stamp SANDWITCH n REDBULL Bonus. 😫Miseries Child Shelter MurphyAlso I mean.. My Mom banked A Fatty Inheritance Bonus.. So she has Rental Properties on the side of A Condo in Hawaii and My Sisterz Ranch Masion with Rental Guest Unit.. So it probly wouldn’t be to hard for her to Do Something to help me here.. but she wants to WiN for Team ChemTrailz..😒 and it doesn’t make any sense that if My Cousin wasn’t even planning to Pay Rent why we didn’t just move him into The Back Room at My Old House instead of Throwing Away All My Stuff & sending me out to walk the streets with a handful of socks.. but My Aunt wants to WiN for Team KiLLARY KRUZTOEZKY & wash The Nightmare of Smiling👼Children out of That House..😒Toy Doll Wave ChuckyCreepy Doll Head Spin Right RoundCreepy Doll play with me..and My Sizter is like EEEE iLike training MiLiTARY GRADE ATTACK🐺DOGZ but im So devoid of Common Sense, Empathy, Logick, Courage or SPiNE that iThink An Olive🍸Coztume givez u The👍Right to Curb Stomp My🙍‍♂️Brother for Eating A PAWT🍪COOKiE or TAYZER⚡HiM for not Eating Hiz Meat🥩 or do absolutely whatever for whatever reason, including but not limited to Just making A🙊MONKEY SOUND, under The Harmless Water Vapor Tailz of PEW🔯MURiKA 😒🤣Cookie Monster RunOmg So Funny cud u imagine her meeting GooFiCER🐷SMiTH like Oh Hi How Dreamy Meating The Brave Heroick Kind Courageous UpStanding LAW👮‍♂️MAN that kicked My🙍‍♂️Brothers Head into The Curb while in HandCuffz then stood on hiz back till he resisted then beat the shit outta him & Charged him with One Failed Count of Drunk in Publick by way of PAWT🍪COOKiE and ANiMAL🐕CREWLTY that wasn’t even allowed to be spoken of in court because Stone🗿Zero Evidence and of course being Complete NonSense! 😒 iWould never develop An Attitude or Show Spine in the presence of An UpStanding LAW🤡MAN of Your Stature. 🙄seriuzly that iz about az MiLiTARY az PAWN♟NEE or FiLL💩UP 😂😉🤣Ace Ventura deal with itSo Funny she wud probly be all about them sending A🐺DOG that she Trained on Me💁‍♂️ like Oh Well u juzt don’t Start Shit with The🍸Olive GANG that iz deputized to KRiLL☠U and High Five Your Parents 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦..and just for The Record:iDidn’t START⏱iT.. ⏳📸⌛..and yeah u learned that: ALL THE QUEEN OF ENGLANDZ HORSEZ & ALL THE PRIME MINIZTER OF IZREHOLEZ MEN.. KANT GET SHELTER 🙋‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤷‍♂️Ace Ventura wants to play

Author: Shelter Murphy

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