Got BLOCK’T on FaceBook for 30Dayz, Again, AHHHH!

GUYZ! iJuzt got BLOCK’T on FACEBOOK for 30Dayz, AGAIN! For Thiz👇TruthBased SubComment on The Best POST🤩EVER!

Toxic Britney
At least u know i am NOT RACiZT becuz JEWZ r WHiTE.. just like Pompous Snobby EnTitled Evil Fecez of SHiTSCUM WHiTE.. not to mention Mostly PedoFilez!

iKnew iShuda said PEWZ! iThot The “Z” waz guna be enuff to throw off LePEW👎CENZORZ! 🦝

Now SumBuddy with SumAUTHORiTY iz gunna have to PULL STRiNGZ at FACEBOOK if they want ME to CHANGE MY BANNER iMAGE for the next 30 dayz!

Democrats are Crazy
Hillary Face
Alien God
Popeye Spinach
God Satan Arm Wrestle
Come touch it
Popeye Olive Arm Candy
Oh Come On
Real Prince Ali
Allow myself to introduce myself
Shelter and Sniper Forever
Micky and Minnie Mouse LOVE
Robo Cop Thumbs Up
Can SumOne Say: ROBO🐔COCK?
idk what uThot BEGGiNG looked like?
Ace Loser

I was thinking like $800K Restitution.. but now I am thinking more like $10M uKnow becuz they made Me WORK SOO HARD 4 iT! ♠️

Batman Creator Call

At least uKnow i am like An EndGame WiZZARD at COOKiNG BURGERZ rite-meow.. or iz it becuz im not working at BURGER🍔KiNG?

Slim Shady Burgerim

HopeFully uGuyz are more just STAR🤩STRUCK right now.. and less COMPLETE TRASH!

Katy Perry, E.T. (Ft. Kanye West), Teenage Dream
Crown Me
Tom Brady Blunt
Hyde Hide your wife
Forest Running Man
So Funny, My Dad probly thot he was really GROSSiNG ME OUT by Eating That Huge Vein out of A🥩Steak at CARPO’Z.. Well now it My Time to Turn Hiz Stomach by EATiNG hiz InFalably UpStanding NUGGET of WEED HUNTER style OLiVE GEZTAPOO
Forest Running
iKant Believe NoBuddy iz getting into THiZ?

You see how they demonstrated Complete Lack of CARE for My HUMAN👍RiGHTZ including My Right to Keep Flesh on My Body in their HapHazard Effortz to EnForce iLLEGAL SUBSTANCE, FREE SPEECH and DiETARY REGULATIONZ in The Land of ChemTrailz, Poison Food, Toxic Vaxinez and PEDOFiLE GUVERMENT.. Soo now i don’t CARE about their MOMMY DADDY iSSUEZ..

Hillary eyes


Nacy Eyez
Trump Pitch
Trump face
Clap Dude
Nancy Verbal PooPoo
Onward to victory
Puppet Master
Swag Nancy
haha, bet u didn’t think Nancy Kruztoezky wud turn out 2b The Lady in The Red Dress
Follow Nancy Pelosi
Obama Just Kidding
Free Everything
Not Kidding

Haha.. Now i just got to get THiZ💊GiRL to believe in My Circle of Protection PEW! 😼

Matrix Pill Red Dress

..or whatever if u need to SEE💉BLOOD So Bee it.. Itz really only A Matter of Time.. like iKant believe u still think Dezpirate littleSHELTER cud be DOiNG ALL💊THiZ on hiz own.. 🐝

Bumblebee Transformer
Seriouzly TAYLOR Forget Your Daddy.. iAM THE REAL🐂 BULLZ (even in SPAiN) they were just playing RETARDED like they cudn’t GORE YO ASS👌HO everytime!
Rodeo Bull
Shelter Bull
Rodeo Time
Confidence is incredible
Rodeo Clown takes a bow
Cartoon Clap

Author: Shelter Murphy

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