KRATOM is A HERBAL LEAF🌿POWDER with Medicinal Properties and Mild PSYCHO🤪ACTIVE🧪EFFECTS.. It’s Commonly Used for PAIN💊RELIEF also Helps with Depression By BOOSTING⚡️ENERGY and Offering A General Sense of WELL🦋BEING.. It is generally understood to have Little or No Side Effects However Personal Discretion and Research is advised.. In My Experience it will make My👃Nose Itchy but it also makes me feel Really Good🧠Mentally at the same time.. So it’s A Willing Trade Off in That Sense.. It’s Somewhat ADDICTING becuz it makes you Feel Good like A Smooth Not Jittery at all ENERGY⚡️DRiNK but Also Not SUPER💉ADDICTING becuz you have to Chug Down Half A Glass of Funky Leaf Power every time you want A💨TOOT.. 😁.. iRecommend Mixing about 1 Table🥄Spoon in ORANGE🍊JUICE until all The Powder is Dissolved then Chasing Back and forth with Fresh Orange Juice.. 🤤🍾

KRATOM comes in 3 Primary Strains: RED, WHiTE & GREEN (Also A 4th Less Common Strain of YELLOW).. Each Possessing A Unique Subset of Alkaloids offering Distinctly Different Effects.. Then Sub Varieties such as MAENG DA, ELEPHANT, HORN, ENLiGHTENED, BENTUANGiE and Regions such as BALi, MALAY (MALAYSiA), BORNEO, ACEH (iNDONESiA).. Each Offering Diversity in Product and Effects..

RED STRAINS Offer More of A Sedative PAiN💊KiLLER Like Effect and for whatever reason are By Far The Most Commonly Purchased Strain of Kratom.. WHiTE STRAiNS Are More of A😬STiMULANT Known For An UpLifting Energizing Mood Boosting Effect.. GREEN STRAINS are somewhere in between Good For Killing Pain without The Deep Analgesic Effects of RED but Not as Stimulating as WHiTE.. GREEN works good to Blend into Mixtures with RED and/or WHITE to Balance The Effects.. And YELLOW is Supposed to be some WiLD🦁NEW⚗️GMO or Something that’s gonna BLOW Your TOP🤯OFF..

MAENG DA, Meaning PiMP🦚GRADE, is A Variation That is Generally Understood To Be HiGHLY✈️PSYCHO🤪ACTiVE and is Available in All Varieties RED, WHiTE, GREEN & YELLOW..

It Sells Fast So it Ensures FRESH🌱STOCK along with Guaranteed Potency..
So Anyways CONTACT🙋♂️ME if Interested.. Local PickUp in SANTA🎅CRUZ $7.50 Per Ounce Otherwise Purchase Threw Affiliate👨💻Link Up👆Top.. 1TABLESPOON of Powder equals approx 6GRAMS.. So With 28GRAMS in An OUNCE You Get about 5 Solid Doses per Ounce.. 👨🔬

Better Product Listings and Pricing Structure Coming Soon.. For Now CALL or EMAiL to Talk..

Thank You 4 Supporting