GUYZ! iJuzt got BLOCK’T on FACEBOOK for 30Dayz, AGAIN! For Thiz👇TruthBased SubComment on The Best POST🤩EVER!
iKnew iShuda said PEWZ! iThot The “Z” waz guna be enuff to throw off LePEW👎CENZORZ! 🦝
Now SumBuddy with SumAUTHORiTY iz gunna have to PULL STRiNGZ at FACEBOOK if they want ME to CHANGE MY BANNER iMAGE for the next 30 dayz!
I was thinking like $800K Restitution.. but now I am thinking more like $10M uKnow becuz they made Me WORK SOO HARD 4 iT! ♠️
At least uKnow i am like An EndGame WiZZARD at COOKiNG BURGERZ rite-meow.. or iz it becuz im not working at BURGER🍔KiNG?
HopeFully uGuyz are more just STAR🤩STRUCK right now.. and less COMPLETE TRASH!
You see how they demonstrated Complete Lack of CARE for My HUMAN👍RiGHTZ including My Right to Keep Flesh on My Body in their HapHazard Effortz to EnForce iLLEGAL SUBSTANCE, FREE SPEECH and DiETARY REGULATIONZ in The Land of ChemTrailz, Poison Food, Toxic Vaxinez and PEDOFiLE GUVERMENT.. Soo now i don’t CARE about their MOMMY DADDY iSSUEZ..
Haha.. Now i just got to get THiZ💊GiRL to believe in My Circle of Protection PEW! 😼
..or whatever if u need to SEE💉BLOOD So Bee it.. Itz really only A Matter of Time.. like iKant believe u still think Dezpirate littleSHELTER cud be DOiNG ALL💊THiZ on hiz own.. 🐝